Component building

Component building is a concept used to add variables and loops to data. This works differently to node diffing, as it works only on a single node. The node is passed to a function which has a predefined list of values that should become variables.


All node trees are checked for repeated blocks. Any found are turned into loop nodes through comparing each element.

<div class="logo-ticker">
  <div class="logo-1">

  <div class="logo-2">

  <div class="logo-3">

For example, the above node tree is converted into templating like:

<div class="logo-ticker">
  {% for item in logo_ticker %}
  <div class="{{ item.class }}">
      alt="{{ item.alt }}"
      src="{{ item.src }}"
  {% end %}

#Markdown blocks

All node trees are checked for markdown blocks. Any found are turned into markdown-variable nodes.

<p>Hi there</p>

The above is converted into templating like:

{{ markdown | markdownify }}

#Inline markdown blocks

All node trees are checked for inline markdown blocks. Any found are turned into inline-markdown-variable nodes.

<h2 class="c-heading">Here is some text with <a href="">a link</a></h2>

For example, an html block like the above is converted into templating like:

<h2 class="c-heading">{{ markdown | inline_markdownify }}</h2>

#Editable attributes

The following attributes are converted into variable attributes:

<img src="goose.jpg" alt="A goose" title="A goose's tooltip">

For example, an html block like the above is converted into:

<img src="{{ src }}" alt="{{ alt }}" title="{{ title }}">